A Century of the Red & Black

Code of Conduct

All OXFC players, coaches, members, officials & supporters (our Community) are expected to act consistently with Club values, and the Club Code of Conduct.

Club Values


  • show respect towards each other, all other club communities and the broader community;
  • provide a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all;
  • provide opportunity for the personal and professional development of all members of our community;
  • are open and transparent, and listen and communicate openly;
  • accept full responsibility for our decisions and actions.

Club Code of Conduct

Our players:

  • always play by the rules of the VAFA and accept the umpire's decision;
  • work equally hard for themselves, their team and their club;
  • demonstrate good sportsmanship and treat with respect all other players, coaching and support staff and officials;
  • display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.

Our community:

  • is consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions;
  • acknowledges that verbal abuse, sledging, bullying, violence or the deliberate distraction or provocation of other players, or officials, is not acceptable or permitted behaviour;
  • thank the opposition and game officials for each game;
  • do not use social or other media to criticise, deride or disparage other players or games officials;
  • comply with, and respect, all club policies.

Drugs & Alcohol


An area of emerging awareness is the impact of drugs and excessive alcohol consumption in the community and it is important that we acknowledge the need to be proactive to inform you of your responsibilities in this regard.

As a member of the Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA) we fully support and commit to the VAFA Drugs Policy which the OXFC have adopted as a specific club policy. This policy relates to both performance enhancing and illicit drug use.

ASADA implements an intelligence-based testing program, working with sports to target athletes and competitions at highest risk in an effort to deter and detect doping. It is important for athletes to understand that ASADA can conduct testing on any athlete who participates in a sport with an anti-doping policy. Every athlete, regardless of the level of competition, has the right to compete in a sport free from doping.

The VAFA and the Old Xaverians Football Club fully endorses ASADA's view on drugs and adopts the AFL Anti-Doping Code. Under the policy, ASADA could test VAFA players and if they do attend training or match day, players notified of their requirement for a doping test must comply with the request.

Where illicit drug use or excessive alcohol consumption at a club event is understood to have occurred by a player, the matter will be investigated and, where required, a disciplinary hearing will be conducted. Such disciplinary hearings will be co-ordinated by the Player Well Being representative of the OXFC Committee to ensure fairness and confidentiality.

Any player found guilty of illicit drug use will be disciplined upon a recommendation from the Disciplinary hearing and subsequent approval of the OXFC President.

Our aim is to assist with providing a point of initial contact for players, coaches and committee to access in order to enable further appropriate advice and counsel to be provided. Any player experiencing difficulty with drugs and alcohol is encouraged to contact your Player Well Being representative, Paul Lefebvre, who can be contacted on 0408 036 046 or via email [email protected].

Paul is available for any player, coach for a confidential discussion on any of these important well being issues.


An area of emerging awareness is the impact of drugs in the community and it is important that we acknowledge the need to be proactive to inform you of your responsibilities in this regard.

The VAFA and OXFC acknowledges its role in dealing with the issue of drugs within Australian Football.

It is not feasible for the VAFA to test its players; however the VAFA and OXFC strongly agree that the competition should be played on the basis of athletic prowess and natural levels of fitness and development and not on any pharmacologically enhanced basis.

The VAFA and OXFC believe the only legitimate use of drugs in sport is under the supervision of a physician for a clinically justified purpose.

The VAFA prohibits the use of performance enhancing substances and adopts the AFL Anti-Doping Code.

The VAFA and OXFC will endeavour to:

(a) increase education of our playing group in relation to the dangers of illicit drugs and protect players from the risk of acute or long term harm to their bodies;

(b) increase education of the public at large in relation to the dangers of illicit drugs and set a positive example for young athletes and others in the community; and

(c) support the drug testing and education initiatives of WADA, ASADA and other drug testing authorities.

The AFL's Anti-Doping Code can be found by clicking on the link below:


Player Support

Players are strongly encouraged to contact our Player Well Being representative, Paul Lefebvre, on 0408 036 046 or via email [email protected] for confidential discussions and further information.

If you would like some assistance we will do the best we can to assist you by providing a supportive and confidential environment to discuss any issues or seek information to support your health, wellbeing, employment and education.